Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Tricks To Increase Your Website Traffic By Facebook


Using facebook can be purposed in two ways; the first is for personal use, conversations and chatting with friends, while the second use is promoting our services, websites and products around the globe; this can also be named as facebook marketing.

We can not neglect the fact that facebook marketing has become a necessity for every online business website. But do you know how to use facebook efficiently for marketing your website? No? Don’t worry here are some useful tips and ideas to get benefited from.

  • Your Page Should Be Updated Regularly

There are millions and billions of companies and websites which have created their professional facebook pages and update them regularly. If you think that facebook pages don’t need daily updates, then you are wrong. They do need, because the more you update your website page on facebook, the higher are your chances to get traffic and enjoy better rankings. On the other hand, those who don’t update their facebook pages regularly, fail to enjoy maximum exposure because readers and clients never find such websites / pages to be useful to go at.

  • Add A Facebook Share And Like Button On Your Website
This is quite important for your website to get marketed efficiently on facebook that you make a share and like button available at all the posts / articles of your website. WordPress can let you enjoy this plug-in. You just need to install it and get adjusted with your facebook page using a special code. The purpose of adding a facebook sharing and like button on your website’s pages is to maximize the chances of generating more organic traffic towards your website from facebook.

  • Upload High Definition Pictures On Your Facebook Page
This is one of the most recommendable and important marketing strategies that whenever you make use of facebook for the purpose of marketing and uploading your posts / articles / product images, then they should be sized bigger,High defination and look prominent. Believe me the bigger is your post or product image, the higher are your chances to get lots of shares, comments and likes. The e-marketers know well the significance of prominently sized pictures on facebook and that is why they adopt the ways to grasp more and more traffic for a website by using bigger and quality images.


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