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Monday 31 March 2014

How To Increase Your Internet Speed


In today this new modern and technology world everyone having a device to use internet.But a new issue and problem come throughout all internet users that they have problem of slow internet even they are paying a good amount for internet service to speed up their speed but can not get it all.

Now days a large amount of people asking on search engine that How to increase internet speed.So to solve and help them today i am here to give you guys some tips and tricks to How to increase Your internet speed.

Here are some tips and tricks to increase your internet speed


let your older browser and upgrade it to new released versions.Quit the internet explorer to Google Chorme and Firefox.In my opinion and experience Google Chorme and Firefox is the best browser now days in internet market.Google Chrome, while new, uses very little memory and can also be good for sites that have a lot of JavaScript and Flash. You may also want to try the FastestChrome add-on.Firefox has many extensions that allow for the ability to block elements such as JavaScript, advertisements, Flash, and other things until you enable them.The browser customization give a big effect to our internet speed.


In today and modern technology world where the internet is necessary for every one.This is a development of our new world but you may have heard this quotation that if there is any profit behind some thing then there will also be a side effect of it.As the development of technology the negative mind developer are always have to install the softwares on your computer which you did not want.But they do it from their websites and other sources.The unwanted softwares are always running behind the scene and accessing through intern.Thats why they make your internet speed slow of that.


There are lots of website enable on internet which are providing the users to check their internet speed.
Here are some website where you can check your internet speed

The purpose of checking your internet speed weekly provide you information that is it going to low or high.After uninstalling yours unwanted software and checking the speed again,you will get a good result of high internet speed than before.


Scanning your computer monthly remove your all viruses which comes from your whole month internet browsing,inserting virus affected usbs to your computer and lots of other viruses website where you download videos and songs.The scanning through a antivirus detect all your viruses and remove all of them.This action keep your computer active in working and also give a good affect to your internet to speed up.


Using proxy websites or proxy softwares can damage your all computer default settings and make your computer and internet speed very slow because using proxy websites and their auto downloaded software give a effect to your computer.The proxy software for opening banned websites has access your internet ip from a unique place where that website is open.To access that place ip it need lots of internet speed and a good high configured computer.After using it you feel that your internet and computer speed become very slow and can not perform a single simple task.

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Sunday 30 March 2014

5 Ways To Make Online Money By Blogging

If you are thinking a way to get rid of busy lifestyle and make money in your part time then you can choose to make money online with blogging.Through blogging we can increase our income while working lots of hours on someone office.

  1).  ADSENSE

If you have a free blogspot.com blog or custom domain with hosting then you can not afford not to implement the ads of Google Adsense. Once you have sign up for an account you will get the access to reports on performance and you can make banners with image or with image and text. If you like you can make the banners all text. You can make custom ads which suits the template of the sites or blogs. My favourite is the wide skyscraper. I have made 200 USD with Adsense.


Once you have implemented the codes to your blog is the generation of click through  up to the amount of traffic and the ads. Just imagine that a certain visitor comes to your blog and sees the ad of a product and feels like clicking through and buy from the link. Then you make money.The amount of money depends on how much they buy through your links. The logical matter is more the better.


Once you have build a high traffic volume to your blog you can easily get accepted to affiliate programs which is such as writing reviews or selling items from your blog. If you have a personal blog or a blog about relationships then you can place ads of dating sites. This is high converting. It is only effective if you have lots of traffic. Or you can sign up for CPA offers. This way you can get paid once a visitor leaves contact information behind.


Once you a quality readership on your blog you can approach sites or businesses to buy ad space on your blog. I think to build a steady readership you need determination and to sustain a positive attitude towards everyday blogging you need to take blogging serious as a day job or your business. Then you can make deals with partners. There are enough choice when it comes to finding brand names like Nike, Coca-Cola or Phillips. You can find information on the yellow pages to contact businesses.


If you have a blog about golf then you can write special content to improve the golf swing. This must be never published information. If you blog about golf then you give information for free. If you write special content then the readers will be curious how you can help them out to improve their golf skills. You can sell these e-books straight from your blog. There is the possibility to host e-books for free.
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Saturday 29 March 2014

How To Get More Likes On Facebook

How to get more likes on facebook

facebook is undoubtedly the king of all social networking sites, and like a virtual New York, if you can make it there, you can make it anywhere! One of the key measures of Facebook success is the number of likes you get on your page, posts and status updates. But these likes can be elusive - so reeling them in requires some strategizing. Whether you're just trying to get more likes on your personal statuses, or attempting to promote your business online.


Friends are like underpants. Some snap under pressure, some are a little twisted, but some will give you support. When you first create a Facebook Page invite your supportive friends, family and business partners to like your Facebook Page. These initial likes will give you higher social media credibility and visibility. Then, alert your customers, prospects and your other social communities, and promote your Facebook page anywhere you mention your website. If people don’t know your Facebook page exists, they can’t like it.


Posting often increases your visibility on people's timelines, making it less possible for your posts to be overlooked or skimmed over. If you can become known for posting interesting and funny status updates, photos and videos, people will be more likely to stop and take notice when your name appears on their feed. The more people who actually pay attention to what you're posting, the more people who'll be inclined to like each post.

  • A word of warning though, posting too often will just clog up people's feeds and they'll become tired of it, which may lead them to hide you from their timeline or possibly unfriend you - not what you want at all!
  • A good guideline to follow is about 1 to 2 posts a day, everyday. According to an analysis done by KissMetrics, posting 1 -2 times a day increases other Facebook users' engagement by 40%.


People are very visually-oriented, so photos and videos are more likely to capture people's attention than wordy status updates. It only takes about half a second for a person to take in a picture, so it requires very little effort, and they can respond to it almost immediately. Interesting or funny videos are also a great way to get likes, but you may need to include a comment which entices people to watch the video in the first place, something enigmatic and intriguing like "This video is so funny I snorted milk through my nose" or "I can't believe this video is for real...needs to be seen to be believed!"
  • Tagging friends and acquaintances in pictures is also a great way to get likes and possibly make new friends. People are narcissistic and like to see pictures of themselves (as long as they're flattering!) so get tagging and start rolling in the likes.
  • With camera phones and apps like Vine and Instagram it's now so easy to upload your own high-quality videos featuring you and your friends. Again, people are more interested in things involving themselves, so a tagged video of your friends reenacting Katy Perry's new music video will probably get more likes than if you posted the official Katy Perry video itself.

 People are lazy. And impatient. They want to be entertained and they want it now. Therefore, long-winded or wordy status updates are more likely to be given a cursory glance, then quickly scrolled past. Remember that Facebook is not a blog - people don't want a summary of your day, a description of what you ate for breakfast or a lengthy opinion piece on the latest episode of Breaking Bad. They want short, amusing anecdotes or concise updates on cool, interesting things you've seen or done. So give the people what they want.
  • Unlike Twitter, you're not technically limited to 160 characters or less, but you should seriously consider imposing this rule on yourself!
  • Of course, if you have a blog, you're more than welcome to share a link to these in-depth musings on your Facebook page. Once you've built up a reputation for posting interesting and unique status updates, people might be more inclined to click through to your blog.


Another great way to get more likes is to be interactive with your Facebook friends, by asking engaging questions and requesting other people's opinions. You can also ask for other people's help or recommendations - people like to be the ones to give the best or most interesting answer. Examples of this might include something like.

Sometimes you just need to establish a mutual "liking" relationship with another person, especially if you're not particularly close to them in real life. Even if someone enjoys or appreciates something you posted, they may hold back from liking it because they're afraid of seeming weird when you don't know each other well. In this scenario, you should be the one to break the ice by liking one of their posts first. This way they'll feel more comfortable, or maybe even obliged, to like yours back. It's a win-win situation!

It's really simple to add a Facebook "Like Box" to your business's home page, which makes it easy for your website visitors to like your Facebook page without having to leave the website or go to the effort of searching for you on Facebook themselves. This is a good move as chances are that if a person is on your website, they are already familiar with your service or product and will be more inclined to like you on Facebook.


Sometimes just letting real-life people know that your business is on Facebook is enough to drive the number of page likes upward. If your business is hosting or taking part in an event, why not take a photographer along to take pictures of those in attendance. Then let them know that can easily view the pictures just by liking your business's Facebook page! You can also hand out flyers and business cards with the call to "Like us on Facebook!" printed clearly


 For a fee, Facebook will promote your page to its users, giving you access to people you never would have reached otherwise. Make sure to use Facebook Insights to track your demographics so your ads are well-targeted at the correct audience, this will ensure that you get the most bang for your buck. You should also try to make the image and the wording of your advertisement relevant to current trends in your industry.


Buying Facebook likes is a proven method of increasing the number of people who check out your page. This also increases your page's search engine ranking. Buying likes right at the beginning, just after you've set up your page, is good because it attracts real likes from people. It's the herd mentality - people will like what they see other people liking!
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Friday 28 March 2014

Top 5 Things You Never Knew That You Could Do With Chrome

Hello guys today i am going to say you the top ten fact of Google Chorme that you could do with chorme.


When running Chrome on Windows, Linux or Chrome OS, Chrome Flags will fill in passwords for you when you open an account creation page. To get started you will have to be signed in to your Chrome account (if you don’t have one sign-up for it) and have your password manager enabled. Visit the Flag site, chrome://flags, and find “Enable Password Generation.” This tip will save you a lot of time to think !


This Chrome feature will be familiar territory for Apple fans because the Tab Overview flag uses MacBook’s trackpad to deliver a new way of browsing for users. The “how-to” for your MacBook? All you need to do is swipe three fingers down on the pad and there you go! All your open tabs in a simple tile display just like the Mac feature many of us know. Unfortunately, that means that this is only available on Mac.


Mac users are not the only ones who can reorganize their tabs for easier viewing. Rather than using squashed tabs at the top of the screen, why not stack them? Use a similar “how-to” as the Mac users – type “about:flags” into the Omnibox and find “Stacked Tabs” on the Flags page. Enable stacking tabs so that your tabs won’t shrink and they’ll stack on top of one another as space runs out.


We all have had that moment – you found the coolest post for your Pinterest or Tumbler followers but don’t have time to sign in and post it and there’s no pin it button. Now you can! There is a Post to Tumblr extension allowing you to simply right-click on any image you want to share.


Reddit and Chrome go hand in hand really well. There are a ton of extensions for improving Reddit’s appearance and performance on Chrome. So, why haven’t you customized your experience yet? Try ‘Reddit Companion’ to add an info bar to your browser to let you vote and view comments at your convenience. Related Posts

10 Famous Logos That Have A Hidden Meaning

Nowadays there are so many companies with instantly recognizable logos, but few people actually know the meaning behind these corporate symbols. Here are 10 modern day examples of company logos and the meanings behind them:

  1).  AMAZON

The arrow which looks like a smiling face in Amazon’s logo has another meaning behind it. It is a representation of the wide range of items available for retail by Amazon, from A to Z.

  2).  APPLE

The Apple logo is derived from the story of Adam and Eve in the Bible. The bitten apple represents the fruit from the “Tree of Knowledge”.

  3).  IBM

IBM’s logo has a hidden message for the whole world hidden in the Big Blue logo that represents it’s company. The white lines passing through give the appearance of the equal sign in the lower right corner, representing equality.
  4).  MOBIL

Mobil’s logo itself does not represent anything, but the colours do. The red represents strength while the blue in the logo represents faithfulness and security.

  5).  FEDEX

The FedEx logo looks simple and it’s hard to see what could be hidden within it. But looking closely at the space between the ‘E’ and ‘X’ in the orange Ex shows an arrow pointing forward. This arrow represents moving forward toward to the future.

  6).  AUDI

Many have wondered what the four circles in this automaker’s logo mean. Well the four circles represent the 4 companies that were a part of the Auto-Union Consortium in 1932, namely, DKW, Horch, Wanderer and Audi.

  7).  BMW

BMW’s logo is a tribute to the company’s history in aviation. The logo shows a propeller in motion with the blue part representing the sky. This is due to the company’s role of building aircraft engines for the German military during World War II.


Mercedes’ tri-star represents the companies dominance over land, sea and air.

  9).  TOYOTA

There are three ellipses visible in the company’s logo. Each ellipse represents the heart of the customer, the heart of the product and the heart of technological progress.


The Volkswagen logo simply shows the letter of the company’s initials. The word “Volks” is German for people, while “Wagen” is German for car.
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