Wednesday, 26 March 2014
How To Check Your PC Was Used After Your Absence
The keyboard is misplaced. Someone left some food crumbs on your desk. Your monitor is tilted at an odd angle. You know someone has been using your computer, but you don’t have any evidence to nail down the culprit. Or do you?
The truth is that the person who used your computer not only left behind crumbs of evidence on your desk, but they have also likely left crumbs of evidence on the computer itself, without even realizing it. No matter what someone might have done on your PC, the fact is that nearly everything you do leaves some kind of trace on a computer. You just need to know where to go in order to find that evidence.
Don,t worry about that,check this tutorial and find when your computer is used last time.
Just follow these simple steps:
- Go to Run and type "eventvwr.msc" in the Run dialog box.
- Events are stored in three log files: Application,Security, and System. These logs can be reviewed and archived.
- For our purposes we want the System log. Click on “System” in the left-hand column for a list of events.
- Look for a date and time when you weren't home and your computer should have been off.
- You can also use this log to see how long someone was on the computer.
- Just look at the time the computer was turned on and off for that day. And you have done.
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