Sunday 30 March 2014

5 Ways To Make Online Money By Blogging

If you are thinking a way to get rid of busy lifestyle and make money in your part time then you can choose to make money online with blogging.Through blogging we can increase our income while working lots of hours on someone office.

  1).  ADSENSE

If you have a free blog or custom domain with hosting then you can not afford not to implement the ads of Google Adsense. Once you have sign up for an account you will get the access to reports on performance and you can make banners with image or with image and text. If you like you can make the banners all text. You can make custom ads which suits the template of the sites or blogs. My favourite is the wide skyscraper. I have made 200 USD with Adsense.


Once you have implemented the codes to your blog is the generation of click through  up to the amount of traffic and the ads. Just imagine that a certain visitor comes to your blog and sees the ad of a product and feels like clicking through and buy from the link. Then you make money.The amount of money depends on how much they buy through your links. The logical matter is more the better.


Once you have build a high traffic volume to your blog you can easily get accepted to affiliate programs which is such as writing reviews or selling items from your blog. If you have a personal blog or a blog about relationships then you can place ads of dating sites. This is high converting. It is only effective if you have lots of traffic. Or you can sign up for CPA offers. This way you can get paid once a visitor leaves contact information behind.


Once you a quality readership on your blog you can approach sites or businesses to buy ad space on your blog. I think to build a steady readership you need determination and to sustain a positive attitude towards everyday blogging you need to take blogging serious as a day job or your business. Then you can make deals with partners. There are enough choice when it comes to finding brand names like Nike, Coca-Cola or Phillips. You can find information on the yellow pages to contact businesses.


If you have a blog about golf then you can write special content to improve the golf swing. This must be never published information. If you blog about golf then you give information for free. If you write special content then the readers will be curious how you can help them out to improve their golf skills. You can sell these e-books straight from your blog. There is the possibility to host e-books for free.
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